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The name is composed of the words "valle" (valley) and "pelline" that could come from the Latin word "pella" (rock). It is a small mountain village located a few kilometers from Aosta, a small complex of various districts. Unknown to mass tourism because of the high and difficult mountain passes, that connect the town with the surrounding area and is a paradise of unspoiled landscapes. It has remained intact in contrast to other more popular locations that in the recent decades have developed more due to the opening of the Mont Blanc tunnel and the nearby highway. The area is rich in shelters and camps and features excellent trails for cross country skiing and climbing, and an important tradition and gastronomic culture.
During the Middle Ages the area was a dominion of the lords of Quart, which they later ceded part of their fief to the noble La Tour de Valpelline, who built a stronghold situated near the Parish Church. In 1377 the rule of the fief by the noble family of Quart, with no more heirs, passed to the Savoy and in the XVII century it was granted to the Family of Piedmont: Perrone di San Martino.

Not to miss:

The Parish Church of San Pantaleone, built in 1722, is characterized by a large gable roof, a façade lined with pilasters and a superb horizontal decoration, a beautiful XVIII century portal with carved panels and inserted into a portal of stone with two pairs of columns. The building features one major nave and two aisles, the central nave is separated from the side aisles by monolithic columns and an XVIII century wooden carved pulpit. The XV century baptismal font is of stone and embellished with a wooden covering of the XVIII century and it is located near the XIX century altar, entitled of St. Anthony, attributed to the Valsesian sculptors Broccio and Gilardi. Worth of mention are the altar of St. John the Baptist, the altar of the Rosary (richly decorated with columns, angels, picture frames and a statue of the XIX century), the main altar (made of polychrome marble and considered the most beautiful valley, seems to go back to the XVIII century), and finally, the altar of the Holy Spirit (commissioned around the end of the XVIII century, rich of friezes. The choir was decorated by the painter Morgari and the construction is flanked by a Bell tower from the massive structure, which features two rows of mullioned windows and a pyramidal spire, with a bell dating from 1736.
The Museum of Sacred Art, located in the right aisle of the church and preserve precious sacred objects that belonged to the church and surrounding chapels, including a relic of 1400, the XVI century statue of St. Pantaleon, two processional crosses, one in silver plate, perhaps of the XV century, and another of the XVI century, a planet and an altar frontal, both of the XVII century, two goblets of the XV century and a large crucifix dating from the mid-XIV century.
The XVII century Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows in Vignettes,.
The Chapel of San Rocco in Semon founded around 1640.
The Chapel of Santa Barbara in Thoules, repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt in its present form in the early 1900s.
La Tour, located next to the parish, is a medieval fortified house. It dates back to 1200 and was restored in 1709.
The Tornalia, a famous medieval building.
The Druid altar of the Lake in Place Molulin located at 2700 meters above sea level.


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